Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Apparent Failure

Apparent Failure
Why are all those goldbricks on TV allowed to preach the work ethic? Is it so they look like they're honest? Yeah, that's all that matters in this lying shithole: BULLSHIT APPEARANCES! I just added another instance of George Carlin's plagiarism to my long list of his offenses against my work and image. I have no problem finding the post from last December because while my mother died on her hospital bed on December 7, 2015, I was stuck here, up to my neck in his fucking violations.

My father just died a couple months ago. He used to tell me: you have to work hard for everything you get here. Oh, just work hard, right? And it will all come together for me, right? Well, back between 1999 and 2007, I seem to recall posting blogs complaining about how exhausted I was from pouring so many hours into my posts. Did they steal those too? Did they steal them so they would look like they worked hard to create my work?

My dad's advice worked for him, but he wasn't as surrounded by hateful, lying, broadcasting creeps in his job at the Post Office. But I'm sure a lot of you would prefer to aim higher than an ordinary job. In that case, hard work is only a very small part of the equation.

If you want to be successful in what I'm doing, you have to work hard and have witnesses that you did the work. Otherwise, lying shits steal your work and give it all to gold bricks on TV to fuck you in the ass for the next twenty-five years. So here's my advice. Work hard and don't expect any rewards for your hard work. And have witnesses that know you did the work. And then, maybe with a good lawyer - if you can afford one - you just might get something for it after everyone else in the world has already cashed it in for themselves to turn your life to shit. And be prepared to do it all twice from scratch if necessary.

Why do people get jealous? That's is such a stupid state. Everyone suffers here. There's no reason for any jealousy. The Queen spoke of her annus horribilus in her Christmas message, didn't she? She's the most powerful monarch on earth and she was quite unhappy. Jealousy is just unnecessary stress. If you're going to get upset, get upset about something noble, like injustice.

Injustice is a real problem in a land where they let lying goldbricks on TV preach the work ethic and where it is thought that it is better to let twelve guilty men go free than to hang one innocent man. What about the victims of the twelve guilty men who go free? Is it right to let the culprits out to stampede all over them in the street? Maybe it's better to err on the side of caution than on the side of grotesque injustice.

I think the bullshit appearances of our society, as conveyed by all the shiny blinking gadgets, is meant to impress children. It is meant to trick them into thinking they live in a wonderful land. But all the gadgets on earth don't make you happy when you have no justice in your life. They'll have to grow up to find out the hard way. In the meantime, I'm sure they're impressed by all the whooshing animated graphics of news programs like FOX News, which fill their little heads with poisonous hate from the earliest possible age. I would find them distracting, myself. If I want animated graphics, I'll play a fucking video game. I watch news for information, not special effects.

I'll follow this with a new comedy script idea that might have been previously shared.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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